Elisabeth C. aka A. J. Raffles personal photo Elisabeth C. aka A. J. Raffles
Age: 44 years
Nationality: German
Whereabouts: Oxford, UK
Social status: reading for a degree in English Lit.
As far as gaming goes, I'm a bit of an oddity, because I'm one of the few people who can enjoy themselves playing a computer game and reading The Faerie Queene (No, I'm not joking, so what are you waiting for? Go ahead and read it to find out what I'm on about! Don't listen to all those people who'll tell you it's boring - it's brilliant!). For some obscure reason I seem to bring out the urge in batty old ladies to tell me the stories of their lives, their dogs' lives and their deceased husbands' lives wherever I go. Don't ask me why. Other than that I'm a tea addict, a Hobnob-ophile and a staunch believer in the crackpot theory that you can tell people's character by looking at their ears, ever since I read that according to said crackpot theory, my ears say I'm a genius. Now I only need to find a way to convince my tutors of that theory as well...


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